Chipata trades ventures into winter maize production

Dilika Ward Councillor Samuel Phiri (Left), and Chipata District Administrative Officer Kapembwa Sikazwe (Second from Left), listen to a seed company representative as he explains the benefits of winter maize production during the field day - Picture By GLORIA SIWISHA By GLORIA SIWISHA HAVING a strong agricultural production unit doesn’t just ease the teaching of practical subjects like agriculture; it also helps skills training colleges to contribute significantly to national food security. Colleges that embrace agriculture in its broadest sense, also remain self-reliant since they are able to generate income from the sale of agro-produce. With this realization, Chipata Trades Training Institute (CTTI) has ventured into winter maize production. In June this year, the institute planted vitamin A orange maize on a one Lima field through irrigation farming and expects to harvest between 9,000 and 11,000 fresh cobs of maize this October. This is because it employed conservation ag...